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Howden Ventilation Solutions

Worldwide leaders and pioneers in air and gas manufacturing and digital solutions, Howden combines the power of engineering and technology to develop safe and reliable solutions. Howden’s expertise supports multiple industries to become more sustainable and efficient. Since its establishment in 1854, Howden has continued to create a global network of industry experts dedicated to improving products and services according to the customers’ needs. 

Howden believes in building trusted partnerships and working collaboratively to deliver mission critical solutions. Working closely with Howden and other leading ventilation solutions providers, Dwyka Mining Services has a track record of integrating partner technologies with core competencies in underground connectivity and automation expertise.

Enhancing environmental and operational efficiencies

Leverage Howden’s expertise in air and water handling engineering solutions across entire mine operations. Howden offers a flexible suite of products and services in their Total Mine Ventilation Solution (TMVS) that enable greater operational efficiency while minimizing energy waste and lowering operational costs.

Improving safety and providing solution in real-time

Howden enhances mine safety through safety-focused ventilation system design, real-time gas monitoring, congestion reduction via remote control, and effective communication of safety information to miners. Their solutions optimize airflow, mitigate hazardous gases, and improve overall safety conditions in mines.

Advancing towards more sustainable future

Howden assists the mining industry in reducing carbon footprint and supporting the global energy transition. Their solutions enable significant reductions in energy consumption and CO2 emissions, fostering a cleaner energy future for mines

Product Type: Software Howden Ventsim™ Design

Ventsim™ DESIGN is a 3D ventilation simulation software package designed to simulate and model ventilation circuits in underground mine tunnels and shafts. Ventsim™ DESIGN provides a visualisation tool to help optimise underground ventilation system including airflow, pressure, heat, gases, financials, power, radon, fire and many other types of ventilation information.

Its ease of use and versatility makes Ventsim™ DESIGN the leading ventilation package. Since its introduction, Ventsim™ DESIGN has been used by and licensed to mine sites, consultants, universities, and governments all around the world. Ventsim offers different licensing levels (Advanced Version and Premium Version) to match the needs of each operation.

Howden Ventsim™ Design Features:

Advanced Version

  • Full 3D modelling with smooth rotation, zoom, and pan
  • Real-time automation of airflow and fans
  • Airflow simulation and fan modelling
  • Basic contaminant spread, sourcing, and emergency simulation
  • Import centrelines and solids from other mine planning packages such as Deswik and Datamine, as well as DXF
  • Thermodynamic heat and moisture modelling, including:
    • Compressible airflows and self-adjusting fan curves
    • Blasting fumes dispersion and clearance times
    • Financial analysis wizards
    • Recirculation predictor

Premium Version

  • All features of VentSim TM DESIGN Advanced.
  • Radon simulation to predict worker exposure levels
  • VentLOGTM ventilation survey record software.
  • VentFIRETM fire, gas, heat and airflow direction simulation

Product Type: Software Howden Ventsim™ Control

Ventsim CONTROL, (associated with Ventsim DESIGN), utilizes intelligent software that communicates to hardware devices monitoring remotely, controlling and automating airflow, heating, and cooling systems to deliver safer, more productive, and lower-cost ventilation for your mine.

Ventilation on demand (VOD) is a type of ventilation optimization where the system adjusts mine airflow in real time based on vehicle and worker position. This is possible by integrating a database with flow set points calculated based on data. Rules for calculation are adaptable to meet local and corporate regulations.

The system enables the mine to manage better ventilation for improved production, blast-clearing times, energy savings, and, most importantly, increased safety for underground workers. With rising costs of energy and questions of power usage and security for mining operations, Ventsim CONTROL aims to deliver a connected and optimised platform for energy conservation and safer working environments for underground mining staff.

Depending on the level of automation based on the existing connectivity of the underground environment and connected capability of ventilation devices such as fans, starters and control accessories a gap analysis and Ventsim DESIGN base simualtion is required.

Howden Ventsim™ Control Features:

  • Ventilation optimization systems
  • Ventilation on demand (VOD)
  • Cooling on demand (CoD)
  • Energy Reporting tool

Product Type: Software Pumpsim™

Pumpsim is a 3D pumping simulation software. Pumpsim provides you with the tools to accurately model, simulate and optimise the flow of liquids in your pipes over time. Pumpsim allows you to visualise the flow of liquids through a network of pipes, channels, pumps, tanks, valves and sprays.

Pumpsim makes it easy to accurately model complex real world pipe systems in a way that is interactive and intuitive. Pumpsim offers different versions and licensing levels to match your needs:  Pumpsim Liquid: Advanced, Pumpsim Gas: Advanced and Pumpsim Premium.

Pumpsim™ Features:

  • Comprehensive data and analysis as Pumpsim can simulate over 30 different data types, including: Pipe/pump pressure and capability, flow quantities and velocities, costs and efficiency, and much more.
  • Construct detailed pipe network models and simulations with customisable elements such as pipes and channels, pumps, valves and more.
  • Import different types of file formats into your model
    • Import existing DXF/AutoCAD model files and convert centrelines to fully functional Pumpsim models
    • Overlaying graphics (such as terrain and tunnels) over models and add reference graphics to enhance visualization
  • Interactive 3D User Interface – High speed 3D display and navigation in real world scale
  • Up to 10,000 network pipes: Build large scale models
  • Animated flows and pump: Visualise flows moving in real-time speed.

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